I had an hour to spare on my dinner today so I headed off to my local park in hope of photographing the Gray Squirrels that I know inhabit this area and if patient enough, you will usually get close up views. Thankfully this proved to be the case, within 10 minuets, the first one had appeared but kept its distance in a near by tree,

unlike the second which came bouncing out of a bush and happily sat feeding no more than 3 metres away from me; such a lovely little animal, I know that there not indigenous and they are causing awful problems for our native "Reds" but I'd hate to see them leave.
anyway I hope that you like these pics:-

Whilst I had the opportunity, I took the chance to take a few close up profile shots to see the real beauty of these beautiful animals

Anyway I hope that you like this blog, not bad for an hour. Please feel free to leave any comments, I am always interested to know what you think,
thanks always Lee Harrison.
cute squirrel