I have managed one day out since my last blog, so here we go... Not quite our feathered friends but a big bird none the less.
I hope that you like them:-
RAF Merlin
Well I no it's a bit different but i hope that you liked it for a change, I'll be back to the nature tomorrow.
Right now a quick competition, you don't win anything (well I will send you free print of any one of my photo's if you want) but i thought it might be a bit of fun... i took this picture last year, when the film came back I noticed that it was an amazing optical illusion.
Can anyone guess which way the planes are traveling in relation to the photographer (me)...
well good luck, to enter my comp, either leave a comment below and please leave an email address or email me on leeharrison2@msn.com,
Thanks always Lee Harrison.
nice to see you back fantastic photos once again