whilst I was there I also snapped up this very sorry looking female, obviously had a hard breeding season...
Well I hope that you like the blog, feel free to leave any comments,
thanks always Lee Harrison.
whilst I was there I also snapped up this very sorry looking female, obviously had a hard breeding season...
Well I hope that you like the blog, feel free to leave any comments,
thanks always Lee Harrison.
Whilst I was sat there watching this stunning little bird, a few others decided to put in an appearance:-
"Song Thrush"
"Great Tit"
Well I hope that you like this selection of pictures, hopefully I'll be able to get out a bit more with half term quickly approaching,
Thanks always Lee Harrison.
I hope that you like them and you visit again,
Thanks always Lee Harrison.
In the first hide 1 eclipse male Pintail, Buzzard but generally quite quiet, in the second things seemed to be heading the same way, Gadwall, Teal, Mallard, Heron and a single Snipe we had just decided to leave and find somewhere to eat when the heavens opened, so we decided to stay; this proved to be one of our better decisions, within 5 minutes a Bitten came flying a cross, quite distant but nice to see all the less,
following this within seconds, in flew a large egret, and it was the one we were hoping for, the Great White Egret it drifted in and landed a the far side of the pool, the 3rd that I have seen this year but by far the best views as of yet.
"Love the size Comparison"
After watching this magnificent bird for just under an hour, we headed off to Allen's hide to see what was around, on the way we came across a very friendly little Robin sat feeding on a near by fence,
When we reach the hide, there was quite a bit going on, Greenshank, Redshank, dunlin, massive numbers of Black Tailed Godwit a count of 1005 with 1 Bar tailed Godwit mixed it numerous little egrets and a very co-operative Heron, such a majestic bird when seen soaring across the waters so effortlessly,
Last but not least, this Redshank such a cracking little bird and so readily overlooked,
Well I no it's a bit different but i hope that you liked it for a change, I'll be back to the nature tomorrow.
Right now a quick competition, you don't win anything (well I will send you free print of any one of my photo's if you want) but i thought it might be a bit of fun... i took this picture last year, when the film came back I noticed that it was an amazing optical illusion.
Can anyone guess which way the planes are traveling in relation to the photographer (me)...
well good luck, to enter my comp, either leave a comment below and please leave an email address or email me on leeharrison2@msn.com,
Thanks always Lee Harrison.