Insects moths and butterflies...

So here we go, Insects, Moths and Butterflies... I hope that you enjoy them, all these pics where taken on a walk around Marshsides sandplant not, with my main quarry being the Six Spot Burnet Moth, such a beautiful moth that I can't stop taking pictures of:-

Six Spot Burnet

On my way around I also came across a number of other butterflies and creepy crawlies which I though gave a good opportunity for a few more pictures, I hope that you like them and they don't make you itch to much:-
Yellow Dung-Fly

Cratichneumon Sp.
Seven-spot Ladybird

Field Grasshopper
The next generation of Painted lady Butterflies

Peacock butterfly

Common blue

Green-Veined White


Well I hope that you like that my pictures and I hope that you will visit again,

Thanks always Lee Harrison.