I haven't had much time this week so the family and I decided to have a couple of hours out and about on Friday night, as a last minuet decision we decided to have a walk around Lead-Mine Valley, which proved to be very wise choice in the end.
We really started off the evening my eating our tea from the Bolton view point, over looking fields and trees where I soon picked up a small Roe deer feeding and the bottom of a field, unfortunately a bit to far away for a decent picture.
Not long before we had started the walk, we stopped to watch a Mistle Thrush feeding on a fence post, as this was going on we started to here an unusual call that we didn't recognise, we stared aimlessly into the tree top for about 15minuet before my Mum eventually spotted a small bird singing high up in the branches, a quick glance through the binos and "Redstart" a fantastic new bird for the year and the first one for a long time.
soon after as we continued walking, a number of birds decided to to fly low including a curlew and 3 oyster catcher. moments later we spotted a Green Woodpecker in a near by tree, i only managed to get a record pic. but that better that nothing...
Many other birds where knocking around as we continued on our walk including:- Chiff Chaff, Willow Warble, gold Crest, Redpoll, pied Wag. Greater Spotted Woodpecker, all the others you might expect and one small bird that I couldn't identify, i couldn't get any picks but I'll try to describe it and see if you recognise it.. It was very small, the size of a wren but it had a very light brown back, a white chest and belly which at a quick look seemed to have bars on it. at first I thought that it could have been a leucistic Wren but the marking seen a little wrong... If you have any Ideas please comment me.
As we headed back the sun started to set and the sky was beautiful so I decided to try and take a few atmospheric photos as I went around... I'll let you judge if I achieved this...
Anyway I hope that you like my pics and I hope that you will visit my blog sight again.
Thanks always Lee Harrison.
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