Well, it's been a while since my last post and there's a few new things, I have given my blog an RSS feed so for all you who have an RSS reader on your computer or mobile phone etc. paste in the link below and get alerts when I post an updates
Well I have been spending quite a lot of time around my local area recently due to rising fuel cost and my dwindling funds but I have managed to get out from time time, a few weeks back now I took a trip out Martin Mere for the day, which proved to be quite rewarding;
First thing I headed down Curlew Lane to see if I could catch up with a few of the regulars, on my way down I came across a cracking little Corn Bunting on one of its favourite perches;

After a 10 minuet wait the other regular turned up and today it decided to land relatively close to the car rather than a blob the other side of a plowed field which it what you usually see, a beautiful yellow Wagtail, a bird that when I see it I always feel that I am seeing something very special;

After this great start I headed into Martin Mere were this just got better, one of the first sights that I was greeted with was this little critter that I spotted dragging an almost fully grown Woodpigeon chick across the path in front of me, stopping in the grass to see if I was a threat I took the opportunity to snap him or her up;

continuing into In Focus I was disappointed find out that the recent spoonbill hadn't been sighted for the past two day but as I was stood there engrossed in conversation my dad gave out a shout, Spoon...Spoon... Spoonbill, as we had been stood there, a pair in full breeding plumage, possible the pair that had been spotted up and down the Douglas, I Like to think that I got a few nice shots and I hope that you agree, either way they are better than my first picture (see earlier on my Blog);

Well I know that the posts aren't coming as thick and fast as I had hoped but I'd like to thank all those that how keep looking at my blog.
I hope that you like this blog,
Thanks Always Lee Harrison.