Written to honour my greatly loved Mum Julie Harrison and Dedicated to a greatly missed Mother and Grandmother Rose Harrison on this special day were we all get to give something back to our Mums after they always give so Much for us and also to remember loved ones which have passed on to a better place.
I didn't have much time to get out today so my Mum and I decided to have a couple of hours out in Duxbury woods before our afternoon meal. This is such a beautiful place, situated between Chorley and Wigan some people seem to forget that there is such natural beauty on their doorstep, just look around, the Yarrow valley, where a number of my pictures have been taken, Rivington, White Coppice, Winter hill and Tockholes, all teaming with bird life of different species from Finches to Falcons and Waders to Wildfoul.
Generally it was quite quiet today, the usual birds knocking around really which included great, Blue, Long Tailed, Coal and Marsh tit Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Goldcrest, Tree Creeper, Nuthatch, Wood Pigeon, Collared Dove, Robin, Grey Wagtail, Dipper, Greater spotted Woodpecker, wren Blackbird, Mallard, Magpie, starling, House sparrow, Jackdaw, Rook, and Carrion Crow. unfortunately there were no Jays around today which I would really like to photograph.
Anyway here are a few pictures i managed to take on my way around
Great Tit

Blue Tit
Collared Dove
Wood Pigeon
Coal Tit

Grey Wagtail

Last but definitely not least this very beautiful little goldcrest, i know the picture quality ain't the best but this is the first opportunity I've had to take a picture of this little beauty so I'm happy with the attempt,
Well thanks for visiting my blog and i hope you like my pics. please feel free to leave any comments and I hope you enjoyed it.
Thanks again Lee Harrison.